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Blazon Display Gallery Blazon Display Gallery Blazon Display Gallery
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Support your medical expert testimony with accurate and compelling visuals. High quality exhibits will aid in jury comprehension, while enhancing the integrity of the case you have developed.

Blazon Productions, LLC will provide you with high quality custom medical illustration exhibits, timelines, and charts to support your case effectively and achieve the ideal resolution.

• 704.964.5151
"Left Ankle Injuries"
Injuries sustained during a fall—peroneus brevis tendon tear and unstable calcaneofibular ligament. Settlement in favor of plaintiff.
"CT of Lumbar Spine Injuries"
Illustration overlay on actual CT scan of lumbar spine injuries indicating disc and nerve damage. Settlement in favor of plaintiff.
"Subtrochanteric Femur Fracture"
Illustrations of different views of subtrochanteric femur fracture sustained from a fall. Settlement in favor of plaintiff.
"Subtrochanteric Femur Fracture Repair"
Illustrations of operative approach and final repair of subtrochanteric femur fracture sustained from a fall. Settlement in favor of plaintiff.
"Herniated Disc Complications"
Illustration of nerve and organ complications due to herniated disc. Settlement in favor of plaintiff.